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Innovation Wānanga

Your opportunity to explore mahi that is meaningful 

About the Programme:

Join our monthly Innovative Wānanga, a space to foster whakawhanaungatanga, networking, and manaakitanga.

Featuring a range of inspiring guest speakers, the wānanga is designed for students of all faculties to learn about innovation and entrepreneurship through a Te Ao Māori lens. Open to Māori students and others eager to grow. Be part of this exciting journey, plant your feet, and connect with the CIE whānau. Nau mai, haere mai!

Your Opportunity:

  • Learning from experts: Gain inspiration and practical knowledge from guest speakers who share their entrepreneurial journeys and expertise.
  • Networking & whakawhanaungatanga: Build meaningful connections with other Māori students and like-minded individuals interested in innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Cultural insights: Explore the I&E ecosystem through a Te Ao Māori lens.
  • Explore CIE Offerings: Discover CIE programmes, resources, and opportunities to further your entrepreneurial journey.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explore the Māori innovation ecosystem: Gain insights into Aotearoa’s entrepreneurial landscape through real-world examples and kōrero with experienced Māori innovators.
  • Understand key entrepreneurial concepts: Engage in informal, discussion-based activities that introduce fundamental ideas in innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Grow your confidence in idea generation: Develop your capability to create, exchange, and refine ideas, fostering collective learning and growth.

Timing and Commitment:

One-off monthly sessions. Register for each session.

  • March 5 – 5:30pm-7pm
  • March 26 – 5:30-7pm
  • April 16 – 5:30-7pm
  • May 21 – 5:30-7pm
  • August 12 – Kurutao Showcase
  • September 17 – Pō Whakanui (Wrap-up celebration for the year)


At each session, we will be joined by practising innovators and entrepreneurs. Guest speakers will be advertised closer to the time.

The Wānanga is supported by CIE’s Māori connections coordinator, Maru Maxwell. Maru is passionate about encouraging growth and fostering enduring connections, especially among rangatahi Māori. Te Ao Māori is the foundation of all her mahi, grounding her work in cultural values and practices. In 2024, she led CIE’s inaugural Māori entrepreneurial study tour, Kurutao, a transformative experience that continues to propel her to new heights. Maru feels deeply honoured to contribute to this meaningful kaupapa.

As the coordinator for these wānanga, Maru brings a wealth of insight, enthusiasm, and a genuine commitment to supporting tauira on their journey. Now in her second year at the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE), she fully appreciates how rewarding the innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) space is, particularly in how Te Ao Māori can be seamlessly woven into its fabric.

Contact Information:

If you have questions about the programme, please contact: Maru Maxwell –

About the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship provides a world of opportunity to participants so that they can stand out and create value through innovative careers and start-up creation.

CIE is New Zealand’s leading University entrepreneurship centre, winning 12 international awards since 2020.