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The latest in innovation and entrepreneurship news, research and insights from the University of Auckland and around the world.

The latest in innovation and entrepreneurship news, research and insights from the University of Auckland and around the world.

Latest News

Meet the 2020 CEO of Velocity

Velocity is the University of Auckland’s student-led entrepreneurial development programme based in Unleash Space. Leading Velocity this year as CEO is Gemma Bell, a Bachelor of Arts and Laws student. Gemma is in her third year of Velocity, having previously held the role of Marketing Lead.

Re-O Week at the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

It’s been a while! We’re looking forward to welcoming our University community back on campus with a range of exciting activities taking place at Unleash Space, our innovation hub and maker space. Whether you’re a long-standing member of the CIE community or someone who has been meaning to check us out, we’d love to see you!

Raising entrepreneurs

The critical role University of Auckland alumni play in bolstering the New Zealand economy has been revealed in a University of Auckland survey. The survey reinforces the University’s vision to cement innovation and entrepreneurship as part of its DNA.

Venture Lab incubator primes student start-ups for success

If innovation comes from a diversity of ideas, there could be no finer example than the ventures that have come out of the 2020 Venture Lab incubator which are based around Greenshell mussels, poi, power systems for spacecrafts and med tech for the Pacific Islands.

Ken Erskine at VentureLab Celebration

How to rapidly prototype online maker learning experiences

On the afternoon of March 25, New Zealanders’ mobile phones lit up with an emergency alert and the University of Auckland closed suddenly with a screech of tyre wheels as students and staff fled the campus. Shortly after, as staff set up their computers at home, the reality of an unprecedented national lockdown hit and the team at the University’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship realised they would need to teach maker workshops without a venue or equipment.

Hayden and Ariel in Maker Space

Listening closely to the next generation’s vision for the future

Customer experience consultancy DNA recently held empathy interviews with a group of students from the Business School’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to unearth their experiences, hopes, frustrations and vision for the future in regard to New Zealand’s relationship with its natural resources.

Izzy Fenwick and Shirlee Xue

University community voices the need for a revolution for New Zealand’s natural capital

University of Auckland students and staff were recently given the opportunity to influence the thinking of New Zealand government and business leaders on creating a sustainable and inclusive New Zealand. The Future Voices Forum was a workshop organised by the Business School’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in partnership with the Aotearoa Circle. A group of 68 participants were canvased on their thoughts and concerns regarding Transport, Food and Energy. The results were reported back to CEOs from organisations such as ASB, Mercury, Sanford and Treasury at the related Fenwick Forum event.

Future Voices Forum Icon

Unleash Your Stories: Danny Chen

Danny Chen is a Connect network engineer, part of the University of Auckland’s digital services team. He had a trip planned to visit friends and family in Malaysia, and was looking for unique gifts to take with him. Danny decided to make a series of laser cut key chains with personalised designs for each of his friends and family using the tools and resources available at Unleash Space.

Danny Chen Laser Cut Key Ring

The healthcare start-up tackling COVID-19 head on

Around the world brilliant, community-minded people have rallied to fight COVID-19 through adapting their skills and abilities. The team at healthcare start-up Clearhead are such people. They have quickly extended the capabilities of their online platform for short-term help with COVID-19, providing additional support with triaging COVID-19 testing, and helping with the longer-term toll that this global pandemic is wreaking on peoples’ mental health.

Clearhead Telehealth